Do you want a beautiful tank but struggle to keep algae under control? Don’t worry, we’ll look at the underlying reasons of algae growth, the most prevalent forms seen in freshwater tanks, and how to properly combat them in this article.
Is Algae Harmful to Fish Tanks?
A little algae in your tank is not a terrible thing, and there is no such thing as an algae-free tank. However, if your tank has a lot of algae – the water turns green and you can’t see the fish – it’s time to act to save your tank companion.
What’s the deal with all the algae in my tank?
To thrive, algae, like other plants, require three key elements: water, light, and nutrients. Algae can grow like weeds in a garden if any of these variables are in excess. So your tank is glass or acrylic, it must be clear, the fish cannot survive without water, you put in fish food and allow the algae to share the soup. These favourable conditions create an ideal setting for algae development.
Common types of algae
Don’t be concerned if you detect an algae buildup in your tank! To properly remove it, first determine the sort of algae you have. This will aid in determining the reason and treatment. Let’s take a deeper look at some of the most prevalent species of algae and then discuss how to deal with them.
1.Algae (green algae)
Also known as thread algae or spot algae. It is a harmless algae in and of itself, and certain fish enjoy eating it.
As a result, as long as your tank is carefully cared for, it will not overgrow. Of course, raising algae-eating fish is one solution to this problem.
2.Brown algae
often known as diatoms, are common and harmless in a fresh tank and will gradually go away as the tank matures. When I change the water, I’ll hoover it up, but you can also scrape it.
3.Red algae
often known as beard algae: This is the most difficult sort of algae to eradicate, and it usually grows on plants. Soaking afflicted plants for several minutes in a dilute bleach solution (5-10%) can frequently efficiently eliminate this type of algae.
Common Algae Control and Prevention Methods
Knowing the parameters that influence algae growth allows us to control their growth based on their growth environment. Here are some general algae treatment procedures that you should try.
1.Dim the lights
Because light is a factor in algae formation, you can decrease natural light exposure to the tank by placing it in a location away from direct sunlight; if you have artificial lighting, lower the illumination time.
2.Feed your fish sparingly
Many beginners overfeed their fish, causing phosphate levels in the water to rise.I propose that you provide tiny servings and keep track of how much your fish consume. If there is any food remaining after five minutes, you may have fed them too much. Remove any uneaten food as soon as possible.
3.Water changes on a regular basis
Remember that water changes can solve up to 80% of tank issues. Such results are critical in preventing algae growth. Aim for a weekly water change of 10-15% of your aquarium to minimise nutrient levels and eliminate nitrate buildup, which acts as a major fertiliser for plants.
4.Clear it out
When you find algae developing on glass or rocks, give them a good brush. At home, I take the rock out of the tank, scrub the glass, and then scrape the algae off the rock (you may do whatever you want).
Algae is frequent in tanks, so don’t be too alarmed, even if you’re a rookie, but don’t ignore it either; it’s damaging to your property. Simply take suitable measures to deal with the common algae described above.