You might not be aware of the absence of oxygen in your tank if you’re a beginner. This would not only encourage the growth of algae but also cause your fish to feel stifled and even pass away.
Simply put, it’s critical to keep your tank’s oxygen level optimal and to understand how to increase dissolved oxygen when it runs low.
What Indicates Low Oxygen Levels?
Here are few indicators that the tank requires oxygen before we explain how to boost the amount of oxygen.
The fish gulped at the surface of the water
The most obvious indicator is when fish repeatedly swim to the surface of the water to open their jaws wide or to gulp for air. Betta fish and other fish that do this to obtain oxygen are signs that you too require more oxygen.
Loss of appetite in fish
If you observe that all of the fish in your tank are eating less, this can indicate that there is not enough oxygen in the tank.
Labored breathing
It is a clear indication that there is not enough oxygen in your tank if you see your fish breathing quickly, which is typically accompanied by rapid movement of the fish’s gills.
Emergency action
If the aforementioned factors exist, steadily pouring water into the tank from a specific height is the quickest approach to enhance oxygen in a fish tank.
Take a clean container and fill it up with water from your tank as the first step.
The second step is to hold the jar above the aquarium and pour water down from there.
The water will aerate as you pour it down from above, increasing the tank’s oxygen content in the process.
What causes a lack of oxygen in fish tanks?
Fish tanks without enough oxygen are typically overstocked. It goes without saying that there will be a scarcity of oxygen in the tank if there are many fish kept in a tiny tank, leading to extremely low oxygen levels in the tank.
an increase in water temperature
Basically, less oxygen dissolves in the water as the temperature rises.
Insufficient water movement
Low oxygen levels can also be caused by a lack of water movement because aeration of the tank’s water depends on water movement.
low illumination
Lack of lighting will prevent plants from photosynthesizing to release oxygen from your aquarium’s plants, but it will also cause the plants to take oxygen from the water and create CO2.
How can oxygen be added to the tank?
filters for back hanging (HOB)
Because they are simple to operate and take up little space, hanging (HOB) filters are a popular option. These filters have the ability to produce turbulence, which raises the oxygen content of the filtered water. Utilizing HOB filters also contributes to the preservation of water quality. This is crucial, so the HOB filter not only contributes to a higher oxygen level but also maintains the general health of your tank.
Use an air pump.
By maintaining sufficient oxygen levels throughout the day, you can avoid panicking in an emergency. The usage of an air pump is then a wise move because it creates bubbles, which rise to the tank’s surface and diffuse oxygen into the surrounding water. It’s crucial to position an air pump where the bubbles have enough time to rise to the surface in order to use it as an oxygenator.
Maintaining Your Plants
Additionally crucial for raising oxygen levels are plants. In the presence of light, they cleanse water and release oxygen through photosynthesis. However, in the absence of light, plants produce little oxygen and even deplete the oxygen in the water, adding to the stress on fish. In order for plants to create oxygen, they must get a particular amount of light each day.
lowering the high temperature
Less oxygen is present in the water as it gets hotter. In order to reduce the temperature of the tank and reduce the amount of oxygen the fish consume, you might purchase a refrigerator at regular hours.
In an emergency, water can be changed frequently and poured from a height to help the water get more oxygen. Long-term, though, you can invest in equipment that stirs the water to enhance oxygen levels.